


Individual CE feedback

Your Chief Engineer will meet with you for 5-10 minutes each over the course of this indicated time period. The CE may need to schedule some meetings outside of normal class time depending on their workload. The CE will use the nominal topic as a way to explore student communication, planning, and team participation. The CE should offer specific guidance as appropriate and always use the export:Rubrics/Oral Communication Rubric.pdf to provide feedback at the end of the session.

Feedback 1

Students should come prepared to discuss their best technical contribution to the project. Reference to material posted on EDN is expected as part of the discussion.

Feedback 2

The student should be prepared to discuss the takeaways from the Board of Director's Review. Project plan, subsystem definition, and technical problems could be topics of discussion. Student should be prepared to reference the Board of Director's Review PPT and documented work in the EDN.

Feedback 3

The student should be prepared to discuss project status and client feedback from the most recent client meeting. Project risks, team deliverables, and technical contributions are likely topics of discussion. Be prepared to reference the PPT and the teams notes on the meeting.