



Ineffective meetings waste time. Use these tips to use the team's time productively. If this was a business, each of you costs the company $50+/hr.

See also Meeting Minutes

  • Written agenda
    • Creating in advance is always better. Post it on the EDN in the Project Management forum with the meeting date.
    • Define the things that need to be accomplished by the end of the meeting
    • Prioritize the agenda items and budget time as needed
    • On white board if needed
      • (Put a check mark next to a completed agenda topic, so that your CE and PE can quickly figure out which topic you are working on.)
    • Review the status of last meeting action items (as the first topic)
    • Include in meeting minutes in the Project Management forum post
    • Be S.M.A.R.T. !
    • USE this checklist at the start of every meeting: export:template documents/Assessing Meeting Agendas.docx

Please use this Pro Forma Meeting Agenda template for your on-site meetings to help you set up your agendas. This will help you ensure that you cover all the topics helpful to a successful meeting.

  • Review attendee list
    • Use on-site time for full group meetings
    • Not everyone needs to, or should, attend all meetings
    • Out of-site meetings should be focused sub-team/sub-system meetings
  • Manage by the clock
    • Set time (45 minutes max, 30 minutes preferred)
    • Chose a facilitator to keep team on the clock
    • Wrap up and set action items in final 10 minutes
    • Items not covered carry to next meeting or become action items
  • Stay on agenda topics
    • New items/new business need to be shunted aside
    • Set up another meeting with just the necessary participants
    • Set up action items if needed
  • Come prepared
    • Treat your teammates’ time seriously
    • Be ready with PPT slides, engineering calculations, graphs, figures, etc...
    • IF not ready, skip the agenda topic
  • Take your own notes
    • Make sure you know what you need to do, who you need to work with

Wrap Up

  • Action items
    • Spell out action items, due dates, and assignees as part of the meeting
    • Post minutes to Project Management Forum with the action items identified
    • Create issues/tasks for the action items ASAP