


Pro Forma Meeting Agenda


Common best practices for holding meetings is to have an agenda, created in advance, to follow. This helps focus the discussion to the topics of most importance to the group. For Capstone, while this would apply to both on-site and off-site meetings, our on-site meetings tend to be more formal then a team's off-site meetings.

We recommend you adopt these agenda items for your success. The order listed is suggested but feel free to alter that if it better suits your team.

Identify Date of Next Client Interaction

Go to the Capstone Support wiki page Scheduled Calls and Client Visits and determine when you will next be meeting with your client. Put that date HERE in your agenda to ensure that everyone is aware of this date.

Roadmap Review

Identify "where" you are in your project. See Gantt Charts / Project Management for more guidance

  1. Look for outdated issues that need to be updated.
  2. What is the oldest Milestone and by looking at its tasks, what needs to be expedited to get it completed? How can the rest of the team help?

Questions of the Day

Gather, on the whiteboard, questions from everyone. These can be for the PE, CE or client.

Capture To Do Items

Use the physical / virtual whiteboard to capture these so that everyone can see them. Then others may identify related items.