


Self-learning Materials

Choosing one of the links below will open that document for you. These training materials are provided to help you with some of the tools used in the course.


See also: EDN FAQ


This consists of two separate but integrated tools, Meetings and Teams.

COMM-D Tools for Communications

Version Control Using Subversion (SVN)

See also: Subversion

  • Getting Started with Subversion-For Mac Users:
    • Wiki page with info and instruction document: Using_svnx

Version Control Using Git

See also: Git

Video Lecture from ENGR-1400 Engineering Communication

The following video lectures are available on YouTube.

  • Report Writing
    • 06c-01_-_Audience_Purpose (10:59)
    • 06c-02_-_Planning_Document (14:34)
    • 07c-01_-_Managing_Photo (5:01)
    • 07c-02_-_Equations_Tables (12:01)
    • 07c-03_-_Citations (8:54)
    • 08c-01_-_Engineering_Data (11:19)
    • 08c-02_-_Line_Scatter_Plots (6:45)
    • 08c-03_-_Other_Charts (5:29)
    • 08c-04_-_Spreadsheet_Database (4:37)
  • Project Management
    • 09c-01_-_Intro_Project_Management (6:48)
    • 09c-02_-_Deliverables_Activities (2:57)
    • 09c-03_-_Resources (5:04)
    • 10c-01_-_Scheduling (7:59)
    • 10c-02_-_Risks (5:43)
  • Proposal Writing
    • 10c-03_-_Proposals (4:00)
    • 11c-01_-_Project_Monitoring (5:44)
    • 11c-02_-_Delivering_Information (11:04)
    • 11c-03_-_Project_Closing (2:54)
  • Systems
    • 12c-01_-_Systems_Introduction (9:51)
    • 12c-02_-_Systems_Visualization (6:29)
  • LabVIEW
    • 13c-01_-_LabVIEW_Introduction (5:19)
    • 13c-02_-_LabVIEW_Shift_Register (0:50)
    • 14c-01_-_LabVIEW_Data_Types (3:29)
    • 14c-02_-_LabVIEW_Case_Charts (0:57)
    • 14c-03_-_LabVIEW_Documentation (5:39)

IED Materials

See also: Useful books and references for the helpful videos used to introduce the engineering design process in IED (ENGR-2050).