


Testing Resources

Attached is information on testing resources that may be available. You MUST PLAN AHEAD! The resource list changes from time to time and not all things are always available nor necessarily available when you need them! Be sure to check out everything you need long before you need it!

Wind Tunnel

Capstone projects are able to reserve time in the wind tunnel in the JEC. Extensive procedures must be followed and safety checks performed prior to any access and testing. Wind Tunnel Guidelines has complete information.

Virtual Machines

Software projects generally make use of virtual machines as a test bed. Information on best practices and configurations available here - Virtual Machines.


Material testing

  • NOTE For any 'contracted testing' (not done by students in the Design Lab Shop):
    • Step 1 - talk to your Project Engineer
    • Step 2 - speak to Sam Chiappone (x8295 )
    • Step 3 - follow the instructions you have been given concerning who to speak to and what forms/procedures are necessary.

Test Plans

Before starting testing, you should have some sort of plan concerning what to test for, and how that testing will be done. More information available here - Test Plans