


Visits to Your Client

Teams who are able to visit their Client should prepare in a similar manner to having conference calls.


You should have a clear plan for your visit:
  1. what do you want to present?
  2. what do you want to demo?
  3. what do you want to learn from your visit?

Typical Challenges

  1. You may not have internet access - WiFi OR wired!
  2. Many companies ban the use of thumb drives / USB disks as they can spread malware. If you need to carry files, you'll need to bring a CD or DVD.
  3. The projection system may not have your specific connector type! Some sites have only VGA, some may have HDMI. Many do not have any of the other choices. Be sure to bring any dongles required to interface your laptop to various connectors.

Presentation / Demo

  1. Be sure it's been thoroughly reviewed with your Project Engineer
  2. Be sure all files are posted on EDN. Even if you don't have network access your Client probably does
  3. Be sure you have everything needed to conduct your demo(s). This may include sample parts, images, printouts, external web cams, etc.
  4. If there are critical material that need to be shared in hardcopy, be sure to print/bring those!
  5. Record all your demos - just in case! At least you can play those videos in the event of system issues.
  6. Be sure to use & follow the guidelines found in Creating Strong PowerPoint Presentations!