


* File Name: Clock_1.c
* Version 2.20
* Description:
* Provides system API for the clocking, interrupts and watchdog timer.
* Note:
* Documentation of the API's in this file is located in the
* System Reference Guide provided with PSoC Creator.
* Copyright 2008-2012, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* You may use this file only in accordance with the license, terms, conditions,
* disclaimers, and limitations in the end user license agreement accompanying
* the software package with which this file was provided.

#include <cydevice_trm.h>
#include "Clock_1.h"

#if defined CYREG_PERI_DIV_CMD

* Function Name: Clock_1_StartEx
* Summary:
* Starts the clock, aligned to the specified running clock.
* Parameters:
* alignClkDiv: The divider to which phase alignment is performed when the
* clock is started.
* Returns:
* None
void Clock_1_StartEx(uint32 alignClkDiv)
/* Make sure any previous start command has finished. */
while((Clock_1_CMD_REG & Clock_1_CMD_ENABLE_MASK) != 0u)
/* Specify the target divider and it's alignment divider, and enable. */
Clock_1_CMD_REG =
((uint32)Clock_1__DIV_ID << Clock_1_CMD_DIV_SHIFT)|
(alignClkDiv << Clock_1_CMD_PA_DIV_SHIFT) |


* Function Name: Clock_1_Start
* Summary:
* Starts the clock.
* Parameters:
* None
* Returns:
* None

void Clock_1_Start(void)
/* Set the bit to enable the clock. */
Clock_1_ENABLE_REG |= Clock_1__ENABLE_MASK;

#endif /* CYREG_PERI_DIV_CMD */

* Function Name: Clock_1_Stop
* Summary:
* Stops the clock and returns immediately. This API does not require the
* source clock to be running but may return before the hardware is actually
* disabled.
* Parameters:
* None
* Returns:
* None
void Clock_1_Stop(void)
#if defined CYREG_PERI_DIV_CMD

/* Make sure any previous start command has finished. */
while((Clock_1_CMD_REG & Clock_1_CMD_ENABLE_MASK) != 0u)
/* Specify the target divider and it's alignment divider, and disable. */
Clock_1_CMD_REG =
((uint32)Clock_1__DIV_ID << Clock_1_CMD_DIV_SHIFT)|


/* Clear the bit to disable the clock. */
Clock_1_ENABLE_REG &= (uint32)(~Clock_1__ENABLE_MASK);
#endif /* CYREG_PERI_DIV_CMD */

* Function Name: Clock_1_SetFractionalDividerRegister
* Summary:
* Modifies the clock divider and the fractional divider.
* Parameters:
* clkDivider: Divider register value (0-65535). This value is NOT the
* divider; the clock hardware divides by clkDivider plus one. For example,
* to divide the clock by 2, this parameter should be set to 1.
* fracDivider: Fractional Divider register value (0-31).
* Returns:
* None
void Clock_1_SetFractionalDividerRegister(uint16 clkDivider, uint8 clkFractional)
uint32 maskVal;
uint32 regVal;
#if defined (Clock_1__FRAC_MASK) || defined (CYREG_PERI_DIV_CMD)
/* get all but divider bits */
maskVal = Clock_1_DIV_REG &
(uint32)(~(uint32)(Clock_1_DIV_INT_MASK | Clock_1_DIV_FRAC_MASK));
/* combine mask and new divider vals into 32-bit value */
regVal = maskVal |
((uint32)((uint32)clkDivider << Clock_1_DIV_INT_SHIFT) & Clock_1_DIV_INT_MASK) |
((uint32)((uint32)clkFractional << Clock_1_DIV_FRAC_SHIFT) & Clock_1_DIV_FRAC_MASK);
/* get all but integer divider bits */
maskVal = Clock_1_DIV_REG & (uint32)(~(uint32)Clock_1__DIVIDER_MASK);
/* combine mask and new divider val into 32-bit value */
regVal = clkDivider | maskVal;
#endif /* Clock_1__FRAC_MASK || CYREG_PERI_DIV_CMD */

Clock_1_DIV_REG = regVal;

* Function Name: Clock_1_GetDividerRegister
* Summary:
* Gets the clock divider register value.
* Parameters:
* None
* Returns:
* Divide value of the clock minus 1. For example, if the clock is set to
* divide by 2, the return value will be 1.
uint16 Clock_1_GetDividerRegister(void)
return (uint16)((Clock_1_DIV_REG & Clock_1_DIV_INT_MASK)
>> Clock_1_DIV_INT_SHIFT);

* Function Name: Clock_1_GetFractionalDividerRegister
* Summary:
* Gets the clock fractional divider register value.
* Parameters:
* None
* Returns:
* Fractional Divide value of the clock
* 0 if the fractional divider is not in use.
uint8 Clock_1_GetFractionalDividerRegister(void)
#if defined (Clock_1__FRAC_MASK)
/* return fractional divider bits */
return (uint8)((Clock_1_DIV_REG & Clock_1_DIV_FRAC_MASK)
>> Clock_1_DIV_FRAC_SHIFT);
return 0u;
#endif /* Clock_1__FRAC_MASK */

/* [] END OF FILE */