


Cover Letter

Individual Deliverable 1 - (Pre-course assignment): Cover Letter and Resume

You are currently enrolled in a capstone course that will meet in the O.T. Swanson Multidisciplinary Design Laboratory. One of our first orders of business is to match you with available projects. At this point, it would be helpful to know more about your interests and backgrounds. As the first course assignment, you should prepare a resume and cover letter that we can use to better match your interests and capabilities with available projects. Please write your cover letter as if you were applying for a job in the O.T. Swanson Multidisciplinary Design Laboratory. Please see our website at for additional background information about the Design Lab, including examples of past projects.

This assignment is intended to give you practice in applying for a real engineering design position. Explain why you want to work in the Design Lab and why this environment is well suited to your capabilities and interests. In other words, explain what you would do for the Design Lab and what the Design Lab would do for you. Include relevant experience and future career goals. Your cover letter should be no longer than one page in length. Please create the file name as RCSID_letter.doc (for example steinm2_letter.doc). Attach a copy of your resume. Make sure to state your major and concentration, and highlight your skill set. Please create the file name as RCSID_resume.doc (for example steinm2_resume.doc) for MS Word file.

For more information about good resumes and cover letters, visit the CDC web site:

Here are a sample resume and cover letter: