


Day 5 Agenda

On Site Activities

Playbook (approx page 89): capstone-support-dev:export:playbook/Capstone Playbook.pptx

Graded Work reminder

  • Post your Benchmarking_Memo to the Repository if not already done!
    • location - working\Background Info

Action Items / Meeting Prep

These tasks should be completed before next on-site meeting (Day 6)

Team Development / Design Process Refresher

Administrative Tasks

  • Everyone should have their repository checked out by now. See your PE NOW if you are still having difficulty.

Project Technical Work

  • Post Concept Ideas to Design Forum on EDN
  • New or Updated Needs & Requirements workbook should be committed to Repository by start of Class 6

full list of Capstone Daily Agendas

previous project scoping meeting- Day 4 Agenda

next project scoping meeting- Day 6 Agenda