


Day 4 Agenda

On Site Activities

Playbook (approx page 75): capstone-support-dev:export:playbook/Capstone Playbook.pptx

Resources for On-site Activities

Action Items / Meeting Prep

These tasks should be completed before next on-site meeting (Day 5)

Team Development / Design Process Refresher

Administrative Tasks

  • Contact your PE if you are having trouble installing or using Subversion
  • Complete the Online Safety Training in Percipio by end of Day 6 [9/20]
  • Post meeting minutes from Client Meeting to EDN Project Management forum

Project Technical Work

  • Evaluate your current Needs & Requirements workbook against the rubric
    • Each team member should post their observations/comments to the Needs & Requirements Design Forum Thread
    • Update Needs/Reqs Workbook based on feedback and post to Repository
  • Post proposed project deliverables to EDN Project Mgmt Forum – Deliverables thread
  • Post results of product benchmarking to EDN Background Info Forum

full list of Capstone Daily Agendas

previous project scoping meeting- Day 3 Agenda

next project scoping meeting- Day 5 Agenda