


Engineering Tools and Methods Worksheet


Engineering Tools and Methods Worksheet Goal

Identify the potential Engineering Tools and Methods that the team may use to tackle the problem. At the beginning of the semester, one would expect that there are multiple options of tools or methods that might be applied to a given challenge in the project. At the project start, it is typically too early to know which tool might be best because the problem has not yet been fully developed. Listing an item in the worksheet is not a commitment to use that tool. It is used to help you understand that there are often multiple ways of solving problems.

Using the Template

Go back to notes taken during discussion in Day 5 activity on Tools and Methods. Add more based on further thought, research, and discussion with team. Be sure to think about how to apply each tool to the particular problem your team is tasked with solving.

Building the list

This list should convince your project client and PE/CE that the team has the technical know-how required to complete the project. Some examples are shown in the table below. Do not simply copy these! Use them to explore how they apply to your project.

To help generate these ideas, consider the various topics/subsystems/areas of work to be done for the project. Ex: software, electrical, mechanical, process, material. The items below are only suggestions. The team should fill their list with any tools and methods that may apply to your project with the appropriate application details.

For example:
Engineering Tools and Methods Application to project
Scrum approach Iteratively release code to their client for feedback
Flow chart of system control loop, storyboard of user input Guide development of the control system logic
ESP32, Arduino, Raspberry Pi Process and analyze data from the environmental sensors
Free Body diagram Show relationship of force vectors associated with the clamping fixture
Torque measurements on the shaft Determine typical system loading during normal operation
MATLAB Calculate the coordinate positions of the joints in the robot
NX Develop 3D models and renderings of the A, B, C components and complete assembly
NX & Ansys Analyze stresses on supporting plates of main structure
Conduct customer interviews of toddler caregivers Identify and confirm customer needs
Create Standard Operating Procedure Describe system startup and calibration
PSpice, LTSpice Simulate the XYZ analog circuit for the YYY.
LogiSim Simulate the digital circuits making up the controller.
Arduino IDE, Visual Code Program the Arduino / ESP32 microcontroller used to read the sensors and control the various outputs.
Ashby Chart for Material Selection Using the projects specifications, identify potential materials for the enclosure
Instron Run sample coupons to confirm that the selected material meets the project's requirements for yield strength
Discrete Time Simulation (FlexSim or equivalent) Use to model the flow of materials through the warehouse. With this information, we can propose alternate organizations of materials in a warehouse
R programming language, MiniTab Perform analysis of the sales data related to the client's XYZ product
R programming language, MiniTab Perform various statistical analyses for quality control data associated with fabrication
Python, C++ All of the user interface software will be implemented in this language to be compatible with the client's existing code
Django Web Framework, CAKE, Angular The system will be a web based implementation
MySQL, SQLite Used to store all collected data
OpenCV This software will be used to analyze the camera images to determine alignment and position of the objects


  • Make this unique to your specific project. Do not simply re-state the generic steps of the design process.
  • Do not include project management approach details unless they specifically relate to how the team will deliver their work. It is assumed that teams will use good project management techniques.
  • Do not just list the names of software packages / engineering tools (ex: NX). Instead describe how you will apply them in the context of your project (ex: create CAD assembly to analyze part interference).
  • Submit by posting to Repository
    • working/Reports/Design Report + Poster

See your PE for any questions.