



Safety Guidelines

Before they can use the MDL Fabrication Area (JEC 2332) students must review and pass the Rensselaer Manufacturing and Prototyping Laboratories-Safety Orientation course on Percipio ( The title can be abbreviated, such as "Rensselaer Manufacturing and Prototyping…" Once you are logged in, click My Assignments at the top of the page. If you do not see the course listed here, follow the step-by-step instructions on how to access the training and print out a certificate of completion are shown here - RMPL Safety Module Completion Instructions

Safety Quiz Notes

The only way to get the survey is to have successfully completed the course! The XX% score you see at the end is your "first time" score, meaning that the first time you answered the questions you only got XX% right.

The quiz is designed, however, so that you MUST answer each question correctly to get the next one. There is no other way to get through the course. At the end of the course, having correctly completed all questions (even if not on the first try) you get the survey.

You MUST not skip a question! Doing so will lock you out of the test and you'll have to contact the Percipio admin to have a new test created for you.

Shop Safety Guidelines are posted within the shop and also available to the right here -

Chemical Safety Guidelines

ANY chemical to be used in the Design Lab shop or on a student project must go through an approval process.

  1. Review the Instructions for Acquiring Chemicals - posted on Templates and Forms
  2. Fill out the Preliminary Chemical Assessment form and submit to Project Engineer. - posted on Templates and Forms
  3. Create a Standard Operating Procedure (also posted on Templates and Forms) detailing the storage, use, disposal of the chemical, and required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). This document MUST include on the first page:
    1. Appropriate response in the event of spill, splash, fire, ingestion, etc...
    2. Emergency protocol.
    3. Instructions to call Public Safety x6611, 518-276-6611, or 911.
  4. Submit flash drive with ALL documentation to Sam Chiappone.
    1. Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
    2. Preliminary Chemical Assessment (PCA)
    3. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
  5. Receive approval of SOP from RPI Environmental Health & Safety Department.
  6. ONLY after approval should team order/receive chemicals from vendor/Client.
  7. Students complete Chemical Safety Training from RPI EH&S.
  8. MDL staff will release a chemical to the team for use after completion of all steps.

RPI Standard Operating Procedure for Laboratory Activities - posted on Templates and Forms

Example Capstone SOPs EH&S Guidelines on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) requirements due to various conditions or situations

Fume Hood - Design Lab has access to a fume hood. The room number is JEC 2327. Consult your PE for information and scheduling access.

MANE safety videos

RPI's MANE department produced a number of videos covering various lab/shop activities:
  • hand and power tool safety
  • soldering
  • compressed gas
  • electrical
  • soldering

They are located here -