


Test Plans & System Evaluation

Test Plans

Test plans are normally required for ALL projects, not just software projects! Some excellent examples do, however, come to us from the software project management domain.

Some helpful information can be found at:

Please note that we do NOT actively maintain this page - so yes, there might be broken links here!! If you find any, let your Project Engineer know about the broken link(s) AND the good ones you found that were helpful! :)

The attached template (Test_Plan_template_s09.docx) is meant to serve as a starting point. It is not intended to be a "fill in the blanks" template! You should plan of modifying it as needed for your particular project.

Additional information on test equipment on campus and access procedures can be found here - Testing Resources

System Evaluation

Software engineering distinguishes the following two types of evaluations:
  • Validation – how well the product (or specification) meets the customer’s needs
  • Verification – how well the product meets the specification
System evaluation is not limited to testing the product. Other terms/approaches include:
  • Peer reviews, such as code review and inspection
  • Simulation
  • Survey (usability, aesthetic, etc.)
  • Cost analysis
  • Manufacturability analysis
  • Repairability, reusability, and recyclability for environmental impact