


* FILENAME: cytypes.h
* Version 5.0
* Description:
* CyTypes provides register access macros and approved types for use in
* firmware.
* Note:
* Due to endiannesses of the hardware and some compilers, the register
* access macros for big endian compilers use some library calls to arrange
* data the correct way.
* Register Access macros and functions perform their operations on an
* input of the type pointer to void. The arguments passed to it should be
* pointers to the type associated with the register size.
* (i.e. a "uint8 *" shouldn't be passed to obtain a 16-bit register value)
* Copyright 2008-2015, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* You may use this file only in accordance with the license, terms, conditions,
* disclaimers, and limitations in the end user license agreement accompanying
* the software package with which this file was provided.

#if !defined(CY_BOOT_CYTYPES_H)

#if defined(__C51__)
#include <intrins.h>
#endif /* (__C51__) */

/* ARM and C99 or later */
#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) || (defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L)
#include <stdint.h>
#endif /* (__GNUC__) || defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) || (defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L) */

#include "cyfitter.h"

#if defined( __ICCARM__ )
/* Suppress warning for multiple volatile variables in an expression. */
/* This is common in component code and usage is not order dependent. */
#pragma diag_suppress=Pa082
#endif /* defined( __ICCARM__ ) */

* Conditional Compilation Parameters

* FAMILY encodes the overall architectural family

* MEMBER encodes both the family and the detailed architecture
#define CY_PSOC4_4000 (0u != 0u)
#endif /* CYDEV_CHIP_MEMBER_4D */


#define CY_PSOC4_4100BL (0u != 0u)
#define CY_PSOC4_4200BL (0u != 0u)
#endif /* CYDEV_CHIP_MEMBER_4F */

#define CY_PSOC4_4100M (0u != 0u)
#define CY_PSOC4_4200M (0u != 0u)
#endif /* CYDEV_CHIP_MEMBER_4F */

* IP blocks
#if (CY_PSOC4)

/* Using SRSSv2 or SRS-Lite */
#if (CY_PSOC4_4100 || CY_PSOC4_4200)
#define CY_IP_SRSSV2 (0u == 0u)
#define CY_IP_SRSSV2 (1u != 0u)
#endif /* (CY_PSOC4_4100 || CY_PSOC4_4200) */

#if (CY_PSOC4_4100 || CY_PSOC4_4200)
#define CY_IP_CPUSSV2 (0u != 0u)
#define CY_IP_CPUSS (0u == 0u)
#define CY_IP_CPUSSV2 (1u != 0u)
#endif /* (CY_PSOC4_4100 || CY_PSOC4_4200) */

/* Product uses FLASH-Lite or regular FLASH */
#if (CY_PSOC4_4100 || CY_PSOC4_4200)
#define CY_IP_FMLT (0u != 0u) /* FLASH-Lite */
#define CY_IP_FM (!CY_IP_FMLT) /* Regular FLASH */
#define CY_IP_S8FS (0u != 0u) /* S8FS */
#define CY_IP_FMLT (1u != 0u)
#define CY_IP_FM (0u != 0u)
#define CY_IP_S8FS (1u != 0u)
#endif /* (CY_PSOC4_4100 || CY_PSOC4_4200) */

/* Number of interrupt request inputs to CM0 */
#if (CY_PSOC4_4100 || CY_PSOC4_4200)
#define CY_IP_INT_NR (32u)
#define CY_IP_INT_NR (32u)
#endif /* (CY_PSOC4_4100 || CY_PSOC4_4200) */

/* Number of Flash macros used in the device (0, 1 or 2) */
#if (CY_PSOC4_4100 || CY_PSOC4_4200)
#define CY_IP_FLASH_MACROS (1u)
#define CY_IP_FLASH_MACROS (2u)
#endif /* (CY_PSOC4_4100 || CY_PSOC4_4200) */

/* Presence of the BLESS IP block */
#if (CY_PSOC4_4100 || CY_PSOC4_4200)
#define CY_IP_BLESS (0u != 0u)
#define CY_IP_BLESS (1u != 0u)
#endif /* (CY_PSOC4_4100 || CY_PSOC4_4200) */

/* SPCIF Timer clock is (a)synchronous to clk_sys */
#if (CY_PSOC4_4100 || CY_PSOC4_4200)
/* Not applicable for the FM devices. */
#define CY_IP_SPCIF_SYNCHRONOUS (0u != 0u)
#define CY_IP_SPCIF_SYNCHRONOUS (1u != 0u)
#endif /* (CY_PSOC4_4100 || CY_PSOC4_4200) */

/* Watch Crystal Oscillator (WCO) is present (32kHz) */
#if (CY_PSOC4_4000 || CY_PSOC4_4100 || CY_PSOC4_4200)
#define CY_IP_WCO (0u != 0u)
#elif CY_IP_BLESS || defined (CYIPBLOCK_m0s8wco_VERSION)
#define CY_IP_WCO (0u == 0u)
#elif (CY_IP_SRSSV2)
#define CY_IP_WCO (0u)
#define CY_IP_WCO (0u != 0u)
#endif /* (CY_PSOC4_4000 || CY_PSOC4_4100 || CY_PSOC4_4200) */

#endif /* (CY_PSOC4) */

* The components version defines. Available started from cy_boot 4.20
* Use the following construction in order to identify cy_boot version:
#define CY_BOOT_4_20 (420u)
#define CY_BOOT_5_0 (500u)

* Base Types. Acceptable types from MISRA-C specifying signedness and size.
typedef unsigned char uint8;
typedef unsigned short uint16;
typedef unsigned long uint32;
typedef signed char int8;
typedef signed short int16;
typedef signed long int32;
typedef float float32;


typedef double float64;
typedef long long int64;
typedef unsigned long long uint64;

#endif /* (!CY_PSOC3) */

/* Signed or unsigned depending on compiler selection */
typedef char char8;

* Memory address functions prototypes

* Prototypes for absolute memory address functions (cymem.a51) with built-in
* endian conversion. These functions should be called through the
* CY_GET_XTND_REGxx and CY_SET_XTND_REGxx macros.
extern uint8 cyread8 (const volatile void far *addr);
extern void cywrite8 (volatile void far *addr, uint8 value);

extern uint16 cyread16 (const volatile void far *addr);
extern uint16 cyread16_nodpx(const volatile void far *addr);

extern void cywrite16 (volatile void far *addr, uint16 value);
extern void cywrite16_nodpx(volatile void far *addr, uint16 value);

extern uint32 cyread24 (const volatile void far *addr);
extern uint32 cyread24_nodpx(const volatile void far *addr);

extern void cywrite24 (volatile void far *addr, uint32 value);
extern void cywrite24_nodpx(volatile void far *addr, uint32 value);

extern uint32 cyread32 (const volatile void far *addr);
extern uint32 cyread32_nodpx(const volatile void far *addr);

extern void cywrite32 (volatile void far *addr, uint32 value);
extern void cywrite32_nodpx(volatile void far *addr, uint32 value);

* Memory access routines from cymem.a51 for the generated device
* configuration code. These functions may be subject to change in future
* revisions of the cy_boot component and they are not available for all
* devices. Most code should use memset or memcpy instead.
void cymemzero(void far *addr, uint16 size);
void cyconfigcpy(uint16 size, const void far *src, void far *dest) large;
void cyconfigcpycode(uint16 size, const void code *src, void far *dest);



/* Prototype for function to set 24-bit register. Located at cyutils.c */
extern void CySetReg24(uint32 volatile * addr, uint32 value);


extern uint32 CyGetReg24(uint32 const volatile * addr);

#endif /* (CY_PSOC4) */

#endif /* (CY_PSOC3) */

* Memory model definitions. To allow code to be 8051-ARM agnostic.

#define CYBDATA bdata
#define CYBIT bit
#define CYCODE code
#define CYCOMPACT compact
#define CYDATA data
#define CYFAR far
#define CYIDATA idata
#define CYLARGE large
#define CYPDATA pdata
#define CYREENTRANT reentrant
#define CYSMALL small
#define CYXDATA xdata
#define XDATA xdata

#define CY_NOINIT


#define CYBDATA
#define CYBIT uint8
#define CYCODE
#define CYDATA
#define CYFAR
#define CYIDATA
#define CYLARGE
#define CYPDATA
#define CYSMALL
#define CYXDATA
#define XDATA

#if defined(__ARMCC_VERSION)

#define CY_NOINIT __attribute__ ((section(".noinit"), zero_init))
#define CY_NORETURN __attribute__ ((noreturn))
#define CY_SECTION(name) __attribute__ ((section(name)))

/* Specifies a minimum alignment (in bytes) for variables of the
* specified type.
#define CY_ALIGN(align) __align(align)

/* Attached to an enum, struct, or union type definition, specified that
* the minimum required memory be used to represent the type.
#define CY_PACKED
#define CY_PACKED_ATTR __attribute__ ((packed))
#define CY_INLINE __inline
#elif defined (__GNUC__)

#define CY_NOINIT __attribute__ ((section(".noinit")))
#define CY_NORETURN __attribute__ ((noreturn))
#define CY_SECTION(name) __attribute__ ((section(name)))
#define CY_ALIGN(align) __attribute__ ((aligned(align)))
#define CY_PACKED
#define CY_PACKED_ATTR __attribute__ ((packed))
#define CY_INLINE inline
#elif defined (__ICCARM__)

#define CY_NOINIT __no_init
#define CY_NORETURN __noreturn
#define CY_PACKED __packed
#define CY_INLINE inline
#endif /* (__ARMCC_VERSION) */

#endif /* (CY_PSOC3) */


/* 8051 naturally returns 8 bit value. */
typedef unsigned char cystatus;


/* ARM naturally returns 32 bit value. */
typedef unsigned long cystatus;

#endif /* (CY_PSOC3) */

* Hardware Register Types.
typedef volatile uint8 CYXDATA reg8;
typedef volatile uint16 CYXDATA reg16;
typedef volatile uint32 CYXDATA reg32;

* Interrupt Types and Macros

#define CY_ISR(FuncName) void FuncName (void) interrupt 0
#define CY_ISR_PROTO(FuncName) void FuncName (void)
typedef void (CYCODE * cyisraddress)(void);


#define CY_ISR(FuncName) void FuncName (void)
#define CY_ISR_PROTO(FuncName) void FuncName (void)
typedef void (* cyisraddress)(void);

#if defined (__ICCARM__)
typedef union { cyisraddress __fun; void * __ptr; } intvec_elem;
#endif /* defined (__ICCARM__) */

#endif /* (CY_PSOC3) */

* Register Access

* KEIL for the 8051 is a big endian compiler This causes problems as the on chip
* registers are little endian. Byte swapping for two and four byte registers is
* implemented in the functions below. This will require conditional compilation
* of function prototypes in the code.

/* Access macros for 8, 16, 24 and 32-bit registers, IN THE FIRST 64K OF XDATA */

#define CY_GET_REG8(addr) (*((const reg8 *)(addr)))
#define CY_SET_REG8(addr, value) (*((reg8 *)(addr)) = (uint8)(value))

#define CY_GET_REG16(addr) cyread16_nodpx ((const volatile void far *)(const reg16 *)(addr))
#define CY_SET_REG16(addr, value) cywrite16_nodpx((volatile void far *)(reg16 *)(addr), value)

#define CY_GET_REG24(addr) cyread24_nodpx ((const volatile void far *)(const reg32 *)(addr))
#define CY_SET_REG24(addr, value) cywrite24_nodpx((volatile void far *)(reg32 *)(addr),value)

#define CY_GET_REG32(addr) cyread32_nodpx ((const volatile void far *)(const reg32 *)(addr))
#define CY_SET_REG32(addr, value) cywrite32_nodpx((volatile void far *)(reg32 *)(addr), value)

/* Access 8, 16, 24 and 32-bit registers, ABOVE THE FIRST 64K OF XDATA */
#define CY_GET_XTND_REG8(addr) cyread8((const volatile void far *)(addr))
#define CY_SET_XTND_REG8(addr, value) cywrite8((volatile void far *)(addr), value)

#define CY_GET_XTND_REG16(addr) cyread16((const volatile void far *)(addr))
#define CY_SET_XTND_REG16(addr, value) cywrite16((volatile void far *)(addr), value)

#define CY_GET_XTND_REG24(addr) cyread24((const volatile void far *)(addr))
#define CY_SET_XTND_REG24(addr, value) cywrite24((volatile void far *)(addr), value)

#define CY_GET_XTND_REG32(addr) cyread32((const volatile void far *)(addr))
#define CY_SET_XTND_REG32(addr, value) cywrite32((volatile void far *)(addr), value)


/* 8, 16, 24 and 32-bit register access macros */
#define CY_GET_REG8(addr) (*((const reg8 *)(addr)))
#define CY_SET_REG8(addr, value) (*((reg8 *)(addr)) = (uint8)(value))

#define CY_GET_REG16(addr) (*((const reg16 *)(addr)))
#define CY_SET_REG16(addr, value) (*((reg16 *)(addr)) = (uint16)(value))

#define CY_SET_REG24(addr, value) CySetReg24((reg32 *) (addr), (value))
#define CY_GET_REG24(addr) CyGetReg24((const reg32 *) (addr))
#define CY_GET_REG24(addr) (*((const reg32 *)(addr)) & 0x00FFFFFFu)
#endif /* (CY_PSOC4) */

#define CY_GET_REG32(addr) (*((const reg32 *)(addr)))
#define CY_SET_REG32(addr, value) (*((reg32 *)(addr)) = (uint32)(value))

/* To allow code to be 8051-ARM agnostic. */
#define CY_GET_XTND_REG8(addr) CY_GET_REG8(addr)
#define CY_SET_XTND_REG8(addr, value) CY_SET_REG8(addr, value)

#define CY_GET_XTND_REG16(addr) CY_GET_REG16(addr)
#define CY_SET_XTND_REG16(addr, value) CY_SET_REG16(addr, value)

#define CY_GET_XTND_REG24(addr) CY_GET_REG24(addr)
#define CY_SET_XTND_REG24(addr, value) CY_SET_REG24(addr, value)

#define CY_GET_XTND_REG32(addr) CY_GET_REG32(addr)
#define CY_SET_XTND_REG32(addr, value) CY_SET_REG32(addr, value)

#endif /* (CY_PSOC3) */

* Bit Manipulation API


* Function Name: CY_GET_FIELD_MASK(regSize, bitFieldName)
* Function Description:
* Returns the bit field mask for the specified register size and bit field
* name.
* Parameters:
* regSize: size of the register in bits.
* bitFieldName: fully qualified name of the bit field. The biFieldName is
* automatically appended with __OFFSET and __SIZE by the macro for usage.
* Return Value:
* Returns the bit mask.
#define CY_GET_FIELD_MASK(regSize, bitFieldName) \
((((uint ## regSize) 0xFFFFFFFFu << ((uint32)(regSize) - bitFieldName ## __SIZE - bitFieldName ## __OFFSET)) >>\
((uint32)(regSize) - bitFieldName ## __SIZE)) << bitFieldName ## __OFFSET)

* Function Name: CY_GET_REG8_FIELD(registerName, bitFieldName)
* Function Description:
* Reads the specified bit field value from the specified 8-bit register.
* The macro operation is not atomic. It is not guaranteed that the shared
* register will remain uncorrupted during simultaneous read-modify-write
* operation performed by two threads (main and interrupt threads). To
* guarantee data integrity in such cases, the macro should be invoked while
* the specific interrupt is disabled or within a critical section (all
* interrupts are disabled).
* Using this macro on 32-bit and 16-bit width registers will generate a
* hard fault exception. Examples of 8-bit registers are the UDB registers.
* Parameters:
* registerName: The fully qualified name of the PSoC 4 device register.
* bitFieldName: fully qualified name of the bit field. The biFieldName is
* automatically appended with __OFFSET and __SIZE by the macro for usage.
* For fully qualified names of the register and bit fields and the possible
* values the field can take, please, refer to a respective PSoC family
* register TRM.
* Return Value:
* Zero if the specified bit field is zero, and a non-zero value, otherwise.
* The return value is of type uint32.
#define CY_GET_REG8_FIELD(registerName, bitFieldName) \
((CY_GET_REG8((registerName)) >> bitFieldName ## __OFFSET) & (~(0xFFu << bitFieldName ## __SIZE)))

* Function Name: CY_SET_REG8_FIELD(registerName, bitFieldName, value)
* Function Description:
* Sets the specified bit field value of the specified 8-bit register to the
* required value.
* The macro operation is not atomic. It is not guaranteed that the shared
* register remains uncorrupted during simultaneous read-modify-write
* operation performed by two threads (main and interrupt threads). To
* guarantee data integrity in such cases, the macro should be invoked while
* the specific interrupt is disabled or within a critical section (all
* interrupts are disabled).
* Using this macro on the 32-bit and 16-bit width registers, generates a
* hard fault exception. Examples of 8-bit registers are the UDB registers.
* Parameters:
* registerName: The fully qualified name of the PSoC 4 device register.
* bitFieldName: fully qualified name of the bit field. The biFieldName is
* automatically appended with __OFFSET and __SIZE by the macro for usage.
* value: The value that the field must be configured for.
* For fully qualified names of the register and bit fields and the possible
* values the field can take, please, refer to a respective PSoC family
* register TRM.
* Return Value:
* None
#define CY_SET_REG8_FIELD(registerName, bitFieldName, value) \
CY_SET_REG8((registerName), \
((CY_GET_REG8((registerName)) & ~CY_GET_FIELD_MASK(8, bitFieldName)) | \
(((uint8)(value) << bitFieldName ## __OFFSET) & CY_GET_FIELD_MASK(8, bitFieldName))))

* Function Name: CY_CLEAR_REG8_FIELD(registerName, bitFieldName)
* Function Description:
* Clears the specified bit field of the specified 8-bit register.
* The macro operation is not atomic. It is not guaranteed that the shared
* register remains uncorrupted during simultaneous read-modify-write
* operation performed by two threads (main and interrupt threads). To
* guarantee data integrity in such cases, the macro should be invoked while
* the specific interrupt is disabled or within a critical section (all
* interrupts are disabled).
* Using this macro on the 32-bit and 16-bit width registers generates a
* hard fault exception. Examples of 8-bit registers are the UDB registers.
* Parameters:
* registerName: The fully qualified name of the PSoC 4 device register.
* bitFieldName: fully qualified name of the bit field. The biFieldName is
* automatically appended with __OFFSET and __SIZE by the macro for usage.
* For fully qualified names of the register and bit fields and the
* possible values the field can take, please, refer to a respective PSoC
* family register TRM.
* Return Value:
* None
#define CY_CLEAR_REG8_FIELD(registerName, bitFieldName) \
(CY_SET_REG8((registerName), (CY_GET_REG8((registerName)) & ~CY_GET_FIELD_MASK(8, bitFieldName))))

* Function Name: CY_GET_REG16_FIELD(registerName, bitFieldName)
* Function Description:
* Reads the specified bit field value from the specified 16-bit register.
* The macro operation is not atomic. It is not guaranteed that the shared
* register remains uncorrupted during simultaneous read-modify-write
* operation performed by two threads (main and interrupt threads). To
* guarantee data integrity in such cases, the macro should be invoked while
* the specific interrupt is disabled or within a critical section (all
* interrupts are disabled).
* Using this macro on the 32-bit and 16-bit width registers generates a
* hardfault exception. Examples of 8-bit registers are the UDB registers.
* Parameters:
* registerName: The fully qualified name of the PSoC 4 device register.
* bitFieldName: fully qualified name of the bit field. The biFieldName is
* automatically appended with __OFFSET and __SIZE by the macro for usage.
* For fully qualified names of the register and bit fields and the
* possible values the field can take, please, refer to a respective PSoC
* family register TRM.
* Return Value:
* Zero if the specified bit field is zero, and a non-zero value, otherwise.
* The return value is of type uint32.
#define CY_GET_REG16_FIELD(registerName, bitFieldName) \
((CY_GET_REG16((registerName)) >> bitFieldName ## __OFFSET) & (~(0xFFFFu << bitFieldName ## __SIZE)))

* Function Name: CY_SET_REG16_FIELD(registerName, bitFieldName, value)
* Function Description:
* Sets the specified bit field value of the specified 16-bit register to the
* required value.
* The macro operation is not atomic. It is not guaranteed that the shared
* register remains uncorrupted during simultaneous read-modify-write operation
* performed by two threads (main and interrupt threads). To guarantee data
* integrity in such cases, the macro should be invoked while the specific
* interrupt is disabled or within a critical section (all interrupts are
* disabled).
* Using this macro on the 32-bit and 16-bit width registers generates a hard
* fault exception. Examples of 8-bit registers are the UDB registers.
* Parameters:
* registerName: The fully qualified name of the PSoC 4 device register.
* bitFieldName: fully qualified name of the bit field. The biFieldName is
* automatically appended with __OFFSET and __SIZE by the macro for usage.
* value: The value that the field must be configured for.
* For fully qualified names of the register and bit fields and the possible
* values the field can take, please, refer to a respective PSoC family
* register TRM.
* Return Value:
* None
#define CY_SET_REG16_FIELD(registerName, bitFieldName, value) \
CY_SET_REG16((registerName), \
((CY_GET_REG16((registerName)) & ~CY_GET_FIELD_MASK(16, bitFieldName)) | \
(((uint16)(value) << bitFieldName ## __OFFSET) & CY_GET_FIELD_MASK(16, bitFieldName))))

* Function Name: CY_CLEAR_REG16_FIELD(registerName, bitFieldName)
* Function Description:
* Clears the specified bit field of the specified 16-bit register.
* The macro operation is not atomic. It is not guaranteed that the shared
* register remains uncorrupted during simultaneous read-modify-write operation
* performed by two threads (main and interrupt threads). To guarantee data
* integrity in such cases, the macro should be invoked while the specific
* interrupt is disabled or within a critical section (all interrupts are
* disabled).
* Using this macro on the 32-bit and 16-bit width registers generates a hard
* fault exception. Examples of 8-bit registers are the UDB registers.
* Parameters:
* registerName: The fully qualified name of the PSoC 4 device register.
* bitFieldName: fully qualified name of the bit field. The biFieldName is
* automatically appended with __OFFSET and __SIZE by the macro for usage.
* For fully qualified names of the register and bit fields and the possible
* values the field can take, please, refer to a respective PSoC family register
* TRM.
* Return Value:
* None
#define CY_CLEAR_REG16_FIELD(registerName, bitFieldName)\
(CY_SET_REG16((registerName), (CY_GET_REG16((registerName)) & ~CY_GET_FIELD_MASK(16, bitFieldName))))

* Function Name: CY_GET_REG32_FIELD(registerName, bitFieldName)
* Function Description:
* Reads the specified bit field value from the specified 32-bit register.
* The macro operation is not atomic. It is not guaranteed that the shared
* register remains uncorrupted during simultaneous read-modify-write operation
* performed by two threads (main and interrupt threads). To guarantee data
* integrity in such cases, the macro should be invoked while the specific
* interrupt is disabled or within a critical section (all interrupts are
* disabled).
* Using this macro on the 16-bit and 8-bit width registers generates a hard
* fault exception.
* Parameters:
* registerName: The fully qualified name of the PSoC 4 device register.
* bitFieldName: fully qualified name of the bit field. The biFieldName is
* automatically appended with __OFFSET and __SIZE by the macro for usage.
* For fully qualified names of the register and bit fields, please, refer to
* a respective PSoC family register TRM.
* Return Value:
* Zero if the specified bit field is zero, and a non-zero value, otherwise.
* The return value is of type uint32.
#define CY_GET_REG32_FIELD(registerName, bitFieldName) \
((CY_GET_REG32((registerName)) >> bitFieldName ## __OFFSET) & (~(0xFFFFFFFFu << bitFieldName ## __SIZE)))

* Function Name: CY_SET_REG32_FIELD(registerName, bitFieldName, value)
* Function Description:
* Sets the specified bit field value of the specified 32-bit register to the
* required value.
* The macro operation is not atomic. It is not guaranteed that the shared
* register remains uncorrupted during simultaneous read-modify-write operation
* performed by two threads (main and interrupt threads). To guarantee data
* integrity in such cases, the macro should be invoked while the specific
* interrupt is disabled or within a critical section (all interrupts are
* disabled).
* Using this macro on the 16-bit and 8-bit width registers generates a hard
* fault exception.
* Parameters:
* registerName: The fully qualified name of the PSoC 4 device register.
* bitFieldName: fully qualified name of the bit field. The biFieldName is
* automatically appended with __OFFSET and __SIZE by the macro for usage.
* value: The value that the field must be configured for.
* For fully qualified names of the register and bit fields and the possible
* values the field can take, please, refer to a respective PSoC family register
* TRM.
* Return Value:
* None
#define CY_SET_REG32_FIELD(registerName, bitFieldName, value) \
CY_SET_REG32((registerName), \
((CY_GET_REG32((registerName)) & ~CY_GET_FIELD_MASK(32, bitFieldName)) | \
(((uint32)(value) << bitFieldName ## __OFFSET) & CY_GET_FIELD_MASK(32, bitFieldName))))

* Function Name: CY_CLEAR_REG32_FIELD(registerName, bitFieldName)
* Function Description:
* Clears the specified bit field of the specified 32-bit register.
* The macro operation is not atomic. It is not guaranteed that the shared
* register remains uncorrupted during simultaneous read-modify-write operation
* performed by two threads (main and interrupt threads). To guarantee data
* integrity in such cases, the macro should be invoked while the specific
* interrupt is disabled or within a critical section (all interrupts are
* disabled).
* Using this macro on the 16-bit and 8-bit width registers generates a hard
* fault exception.
* Parameters:
* registerName: The fully qualified name of the PSoC 4 device register.
* bitFieldName: fully qualified name of the bit field. The biFieldName is
* automatically appended with __OFFSET and __SIZE by the macro for usage.
* For fully qualified names of the register and bit fields and the possible
* values the field can take, please, refer to a respective PSoC family register
* TRM.
* Return Value:
* None
#define CY_CLEAR_REG32_FIELD(registerName, bitFieldName) \
(CY_SET_REG32((registerName), (CY_GET_REG32((registerName)) & ~CY_GET_FIELD_MASK(32, bitFieldName))))

* Function Name: CY_GET_FIELD(regValue, bitFieldName)
* Function Description:
* Reads the specified bit field value from the given 32-bit value.
* The macro operation is not atomic. It is not guaranteed that the shared
* register remains uncorrupted during simultaneous read-modify-write operation
* performed by two threads (main and interrupt threads). To guarantee data
* integrity in such cases, the macro should be invoked while the specific
* interrupt is disabled or within a critical section (all interrupts are
* disabled).
* This macro has to be used in conjunction with CY_GET_REG32 for atomic reads.
* Parameters:
* regValue: The value as read by CY_GET_REG32.
* bitFieldName: fully qualified name of the bit field. The biFieldName is
* automatically appended with __OFFSET and __SIZE by the macro for usage.
* For fully qualified names of the bit field and the possible values the field
* can take, please, refer to a respective PSoC family register TRM.
* Return Value:
* Zero if the specified bit field is zero, and a non-zero value, otherwise.
* The return value is of type uint32.
#define CY_GET_FIELD(regValue, bitFieldName) \
(((regValue) >> bitFieldName ## __OFFSET) & (~(0xFFFFFFFFu << bitFieldName ## __SIZE)))

* Function Name: CY_SET_FIELD(regValue, bitFieldName, value)
* Function Description:
* Sets the specified bit field value within a given 32-bit value.
* The macro operation is not atomic. It is not guaranteed that the shared
* register remains uncorrupted during simultaneous read-modify-write operation
* performed by two threads (main and interrupt threads). To guarantee data
* integrity in such cases, the macro should be invoked while the specific
* interrupt is disabled or within a critical section (all interrupts are
* disabled).
* This macro has to be used in conjunction with CY_GET_REG32 for atomic reads
* and CY_SET_REG32 for atomic writes.
* Parameters:
* regValue: The value as read by CY_GET_REG32.
* bitFieldName: fully qualified name of the bit field. The biFieldName is
* automatically appended with __OFFSET and __SIZE by the macro for usage.
* value: The value that the field must be configured for.
* For fully qualified names of the bit field and the possible values the field
* can take, please, refer to the respective PSoC family register TRM.
* Return Value:
* None
#define CY_SET_FIELD(regValue, bitFieldName, value) \
((regValue) = \
((((uint32)(value) & (~(0xFFFFFFu << bitFieldName ## __SIZE))) << bitFieldName ## __OFFSET)) | \
((uint32)(regValue) & (((~(0xFFu << bitFieldName ## __SIZE))) << bitFieldName ## __OFFSET)))

#endif /* (CY_PSOC4) */

* Data manipulation defines

/* Get 8 bits of 16 bit value. */
#define LO8(x) ((uint8) ((x) & 0xFFu))
#define HI8(x) ((uint8) ((uint16)(x) >> 8))

/* Get 16 bits of 32 bit value. */
#define LO16(x) ((uint16) ((x) & 0xFFFFu))
#define HI16(x) ((uint16) ((uint32)(x) >> 16))

/* Swap the byte ordering of 32 bit value */
#define CYSWAP_ENDIAN32(x) \
((uint32)(((x) >> 24) | (((x) & 0x00FF0000u) >> 8) | (((x) & 0x0000FF00u) << 8) | ((x) << 24)))

/* Swap the byte ordering of 16 bit value */
#define CYSWAP_ENDIAN16(x) ((uint16)(((x) << 8) | ((x) >> 8)))

* Defines the standard return values used in PSoC content. A function is
* not limited to these return values but can use them when returning standard
* error values. Return values can be overloaded if documented in the function
* header. On the 8051 a function can use a larger return type but still use the
* defined return codes.
* Zero is successful, all other values indicate some form of failure. 1 - 0x7F -
* standard defined values; 0x80 - ... - user or content defined values.
#define CYRET_SUCCESS (0x00u) /* Successful */
#define CYRET_BAD_PARAM (0x01u) /* One or more invalid parameters */
#define CYRET_INVALID_OBJECT (0x02u) /* Invalid object specified */
#define CYRET_MEMORY (0x03u) /* Memory related failure */
#define CYRET_LOCKED (0x04u) /* Resource lock failure */
#define CYRET_EMPTY (0x05u) /* No more objects available */
#define CYRET_BAD_DATA (0x06u) /* Bad data received (CRC or other error check) */
#define CYRET_STARTED (0x07u) /* Operation started, but not necessarily completed yet */
#define CYRET_FINISHED (0x08u) /* Operation completed */
#define CYRET_CANCELED (0x09u) /* Operation canceled */
#define CYRET_TIMEOUT (0x10u) /* Operation timed out */
#define CYRET_INVALID_STATE (0x11u) /* Operation not setup or is in an improper state */
#define CYRET_UNKNOWN ((cystatus) 0xFFFFFFFFu) /* Unknown failure */

* Intrinsic Defines: Processor NOP instruction

#define CY_NOP _nop_()


#if defined(__ARMCC_VERSION)

/* RealView */
#define CY_NOP __nop()


/* GCC */
#define CY_NOP __asm("NOP\n")

#endif /* defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) */

#endif /* (CY_PSOC3) */

* The following code is OBSOLETE and must not be used starting from cy_boot 3.10
* If the obsoleted macro definitions intended for use in the application use the
* following scheme, redefine your own versions of these definitions:
* #define <OBSOLETED_DEFINE> (<New Value>)
* #endif
* Note: Redefine obsoleted macro definitions with caution. They might still be
* used in the application and their modification might lead to unexpected
* consequences.
#define CY_UDB_V1 (!CY_UDB_V0)
#define CY_PSOC4SF (CY_PSOC4D)
#define CY_PSOC4D (0u != 0u)
#define CY_PSOC4SF (CY_PSOC4D)
#endif /* CYDEV_CHIP_MEMBER_4D */
#define CY_PSOC5LP (0u != 0u)
#endif /* CYDEV_CHIP_MEMBER_5B */

#if (!CY_PSOC4)

/* Device is PSoC 3 and the revision is ES2 or earlier */

/* Device is PSoC 3 and the revision is ES3 or later */

/* Device is PSoC 5 and the revision is ES1 or earlier */
#define CY_PSOC5_ES1 (CY_PSOC5A && \

/* Device is PSoC 5 and the revision is ES2 or later */
#define CY_PSOC5_ES2 (CY_PSOC5A && \

#endif /* (!CY_PSOC4) */

#endif /* CY_BOOT_CYTYPES_H */

/* [] END OF FILE */