


Final Archive Folder


All throughout the semester, each team has been recording various documents and files in the repository. At the end of the semester, each team's work will be archived by the Project Engineer. These "tags" contain a snapshot of that work as of the end of each semester. The purpose of creating an archive folder is to allow a recipient to review and/or reproduce your work - even one or more semesters in the future. The structure of the tag folder is IDENTICAL to the working folder as described in the Subversion page. The folder structure for Git repositories should be exactly the same as shown on the Subversion page.

See our wiki for information on using Subversion or Git. The Subversion page explains the folder structure of a repository and the concept of "tagging".

The semester's archive folder will be created in the "tags" folder and will be named to match your semester, as in "Spring 2012". If your repository does not already have a tags and a working folder -- STOP! Your PE will take over the rest of this task for you.

DO NOT TAG your team's work without expressed written consent of your Project Engineer because the PE will do this for your team!

I repeat, DO NOT TAG without PE approval.

Creating a Tag

When done after the semester and before the next

In the repo browser , add a new folder inside the tags folder with the semester name, as in "Spring 2012". Then click on the working folder to show the folders/files there. Select all of those and then copy, not move , them to the semester tag folder you just created. This is done with drag and drop by holding the CONTROL key down while you drag and before you drop. It will then ask for the usual comment, e.g., "end of semester tag".

When done after the next semester has already started

Not a problem because the repo maintains all revisions. There are multiple methods for this. Both are done using the repo browser. The first one can be done by following the instructions here: export:training/tagging after the semester has started.pptx. For the second method, you need to first identify which revision to tag. Then in the repo browser, change from HEAD to that revision. Then select all of the folders and files from inside the working folder and copy, not move , those to a new tags folder named for the semester.