


End of Semester Requirements

These are general guidelines and requirements for all teams. You should also follow any specific directions from your Project or Chief Engineer to close out your project.

Your project is not completed until you complete the following tasks:

Course Evaluation

If you have not completed the course survey, please complete it.

Major Milestones #3 – Final Deliverables

The Final team deliverables are as follows:

  • Final Design Review Presentation
  • Final Report
  • Final poster
  • A fully updated working folder in the repository, ready to be "tagged" to make an archive folder in Subversion (SVN) - see: Archive_Folder_Creation
  • Physical prototype(s) if applicable

If your Chief Engineer needs a hardcopy of your final report, deliver it to him/her.

Make sure to update your poster and include both the source file and a PDF version in your archive folder. Also deliver a hardcopy printed on a regular sheet, not glossy.

The instructions for creating an archive folder are found at: Archive_Folder_Creation
A more thorough list of what is required in the final archive can be found at: Final Project Documentation

Some tips for End of Semester Reviews.


Please visit Final_Peer_Evaluation_and_Self-Reflection for specific guidance on this. It is a confidential survey that should be filled out after your final team deliverables have been completed.

Team Activity 13 - Technology Transfer and Clean Up

Please visit Technology_Transfer for more information.

If your team built prototypes and/or used the fabrication area, make sure to transfer your physical prototype(s) and unused material to your Project Engineer (or Scott Yerbury). If the team needs to send a prototype to the Client , prepare a shipping instruction and make the prototype ready to be boxed and shipped.

Work Area Cleanup

  1. You must clean up your assigned area.
  2. Return all tools to their proper location.
  3. Return all test equipment, such as cables and multimeters, to their proper location.
  4. Return all Design Lab equipment that you signed out, such as NI DAQ modules, Arduinos, tachometers, etc. to your Project Engineer or other Lab staff member.

If you are unsure what equipment your team has signed out, visit Booty Bay to see a list of all equipment.

End of Semester Work Flow

To help your planning, the various work items near/at the end of the semester are approximately as listed below. Some items may happen in parallel while most happen in the sequence as listed.

  1. do work!
  2. initial clean up of repository (by the last day of classes)
  3. write final report
  4. create final presentation slides
  5. create final poster
  6. give final presentation / get design review feedback
  7. update final presentation slides & report based on design review feedback
    1. errors
    2. omissions
    3. notes
    4. suggestions
  8. technology transfer of physical items
  9. workbench / shop area clean-up by team
  10. submit repository to Project Engineer for review & approval
  11. update repository with final version of poster, slides, report
  12. peer evaluations must be submitted
  13. grades determined by Chief Engineer
  14. Project Engineer provides feedback / list of required fixes to the repository
  15. team completes required repository changes
  16. Project Engineer confirms repository changes
  17. grades released to registrar !