


Day 7 Agenda

On Site Activities

Playbook (approx page 109): capstone-support-dev:export:playbook/Capstone Playbook.pptx

Graded work reminder

Action Items / Meeting Prep

These tasks should be completed before next on-site meeting (Day 8)

Team Development / Design Process Refresher

  • create Versions (milestones) in EDN for team's list of Final Deliverables
  • Watch videos in preparation for Project Planning activity on Day 8

Administrative Tasks

  • Create draft of Client Meeting #2 PPT and upload to the Repo BY START OF Day 8
    • Template
    • Save draft to your team's Repository – working/Reports/Client Meetings

Project Technical Work

  • Continue technical work
    • Post progress to Design Forum threads of EDN
  • Each team member brainstorm at least 6 individual tasks which will need to be accomplished to reach the semester objectives
    • Post to a SINGLE thread in the Project Mgt. Forum called “Tasks” (first person creates thread, others reply). There should be at least 6 tasks per team member by Day 8
  • Finish Concept Generation and Selection PPT – let PE know it can be reviewed

full list of Capstone Daily Agendas

previous project scoping meeting- Day 6 Agenda

next project scoping meeting- Day 8 Agenda