


Detailed Individual Design Report

The purpose of this task to enable you to share the detailed design information for the portion of the project that you personally are responsible for, e.g., your major individual technical contribution. It should represent a fair and equal share of the team's engineering challenges. You will capture key design information and document that in this report.

Note that the instructions for the report are within the template. Be sure to delete ALL instructions before you submit the report!

  • The template to prepare the Detailed Individual Design Report is here with the other templates: Templates and Forms
  • Get the template and rename it to 'DID -Topic_rcsid.docx'
  • Format: 4 pages, Arial, 12pt, single-spaced, left-justified.
  • After completion upload to the team's Reports folder in the repository.
  • Grading rubric for the Detailed Individual Design Report is available on the Tasks and Due Dates page.

The topic of your Detailed Individual Design Report represents your primary individual technical work for the remainder of the semester.