


How to Hold a Conference Call / Client Visit

This page represents The Design Lab's 'best practices' when holding conference calls and hosting Client visits.
Conference calls are "meetings" - meeting management guidelines apply meetings

Conference Call power point slides

Teams should be presenting from PowerPoint slides. Creating Strong PowerPoint Presentations
Status Reporting - Use Design Lab template for Status Report available here at Templates and Forms

Your Project Engineer will review these to:
  • help with structure / organization
  • help with content
  • help with wording / graphics
  • review for completeness

Your Project Engineer wants to know BEFORE the call what you will be covering and HOW you will be doing that.
We want to make sure you have the supporting information to back up your statements.
You are to use verbal communication to clarify, answer questions, guide participant attention - DO NOT USE verbal to fill in technical content not on the slides.

Timeline for Preparing

Ensure that the team has time to prepare and revise the material, that the Project Engineer has a chance to review and provide feedback and that the Client receives the information early enough to have time to review it and prepare for the call.
  • Two on-site meetings before the conference call the team should have (on EDN) a fairly complete slide set with the outline for the meeting.
    • Include material "left over" from the previous call
    • Include slides to remind you to include updates in work still in process
    • Will understandably NOT be a complete slide set yet
    • Your Project Engineer will provide feedback on the outline and preliminary content for you to address BEFORE your next on-site meeting
  • One on-site meeting before the conference call the team should have (on EDN) the final slide deck (by the start of the meeting so that feedback can be provided during the meeting)
    • All content should now be present - everything you want the Client to know MUST be on the slides.
    • Your status update should be current
    • Your Project Engineer will provide feedback for you to address BEFORE you can send out the email to your Client with a link to your slide deck.
  • Send slide deck one business day ahead of call (ex: if the call is at 1 PM Friday then one business day is 1 PM Thursday, NOT 3 AM Friday)

It is understood that there are last minute developments however we generally do NOT update and resend the slides. We mention these on the conference call and these become some of the first things to go into the next slide deck. Once you establish this rhythm, the slide sets become straightforward to create.

Checklist for the Visit / Conference Call 'Process':

Note that some items, such as conference call number, do not apply to in-person visits.

  • Have the number to call in front of you ahead of the call.
  • Know how to dial out on the phone you are using. It may be different than you expect!
  • Know HOW you are conducting the call! Are you:
    • Calling a specific number at the Client?
    • Using the RPI conference call bridge?
    • Using the Client's conference call bridge.
    • Using your Project Engineer's or a student's Webex?
    • Using the Client's Webex/Skype/Microsoft Teams?
    • Using a webcam or not?
  • Have practiced actually using Webex (or other conference tool) BEFORE the day of the call. Do NOT learn how to use it just before the call starts. It delays the call and makes a poor impression.
  • Have an official note taker and facilitator.
  • EVERYONE should take notes, not just the official note taker. You might catch something that the note taker missed.
  • When someone asks questions about a slide it means the slide could have been clearer. Make note of the questions as they provide you with valuable feedback on how to improve your next slide deck. Questions also indicate hot topics of interest to the Client - again good to know so that you can include info in your next slide deck.

Checklist for Using Webex

  • Identify which PC will be hosting the Webex well before the call.
    • There is a small software download required for Webex. Do this in advance!
    • Ensure that Webex actually works on that PC! There have been issues!
    • If the Webex PC is running Ubuntu, there have been issues. It appears that loading the Oracle version of Java may solve this. To reduce risk, simply use a Windows or Mac instead. Figure out the Ubuntu/Webex issues at some other time or long before the call!
  • Ensure that the presenter already has the file loaded before the call starts.
  • When possible, do a practice session with your Project Engineer at least a day before the meeting.
  • Be sure you know which screen you are sharing. Usually, when PowerPoint jumps into "Presenter Mode" that is the screen that get's shared, NOT the one showing a full screen image of your slide as expected. Either choose the proper monitor OR disable Presenter Mode OR force your laptop into Duplicate Screen mode instead of extended screen mode.

Checklist for Using a Webcam

  • Pick at least two students' laptops during the on-site meeting before the day of the call.
  • Connect the webcam to both PC's.
  • Download/install drivers if required.
  • Make sure the camera works in WebEx.

Checklist for Including a Demo

  • Dry run the demo with your Project Engineer no later than the on-site meeting before the day you will be giving the demo. This gives you time to make minor improvements or repairs/adjustments.

How NOT to Hold a Conference Call

Although this is very entertaining, those of us with experience have actually seen many of these things happen on real calls. Unfortunately, sometimes in Capstone!

Key Dont's / Things to Avoid

  • Don't send out revised slides at the start of the call!
    • It causes confusion.
    • On the call mention that there are last minute results but the material will be in the next set of slides.
    • Be sure that the next call will have an update!
  • Do NOT surprise your Chief or Project Engineers.
    • Alert them before the call of any last minute issues, problems, discoveries.