


Project Kickoff Meeting


  • Project Kickoff Meeting PPT Template available here - Templates and Forms
  • This activity is NOT graded or assessed.

Project Kickoff Meeting Goal

This initial meeting will
  • Introduce the project Client to the Engineering team
  • Introduce the Engineering team to the Client AND the project
  • Provide space to answer questions for everyone

Template Instructions

  • Create a Project Management Forum thread with the scheduled meeting date. Please use that thread for collaboration on this PPT rather than non-EDN resources, e.g., chat, texting, Google, Box, etc.
  • Copy the export:template documents/Kick Off Meeting.pptx to a new file name
    • Name the file using a “YYYY-MM-DD-Kick Off.pptx” convention where YYY-MM-DD is the planned meeting date. The files sort easily by date this way.
    • Save in your working copy of the repository on your PC. /working/Reports/Client Meetings. DO NOT add a file version numbers – the Repo already handles that! Replace all instructions with your content
  • Update the footer with project name
    1. Insert->Header & Footer
    2. check "Don't show on title slide"
    3. click "Apply to All"

Process Instructions

  • Add team's content to the template file
  • Review and Edit your content! Commit to the repository as everyone edits.
  • Share your slides with your Project Engineer for review, at least 1-2 on-site meetings prior to your scheduled conference call / meeting
  • Modify your content based on that feedback
  • Email to Client at least 1 business day before call / meeting!

Document Sections

Title (slide 1)

  • Update all information
    • client logo
    • date
    • name & majors
    • client and CE/PE names
  • You can reuse this slide for ALL future PPTs (change date)

Typical Agenda (slide 2)

  • NO need to change this slide unless directed by your PE
  • Engineering Team Introduction
  • Liaison (Team Representative)
  • Client Introduction
  • Our Project
  • Our Questions
  • Client’s Questions
  • Next Meeting

Team Introduction (slide 3)

  • Include a team photo. (Take a team photo in on-site meeting #2)
  • For each student - add Name, Major, and Graduation Date

Liaison (slide 4)

  • Select a liaison and add the student’s name and email address.

Client Introduction (slide 5)

  • The project Client mentor(s) introduce themselves.
  • NO need to change this slide

Our Project (slide 6)

  • What the Engineering Team believes the project is all about. You SHOULD leverage:
    • initial Project Description document
    • All team discussions
    • Ideation poster content from on-site meeting 1
      • “We Image Our Project to Be”
      • “What technical problems need to be solved to successfully complete this project?”
  • This will allow Client to confirm team's understanding.
  • Team can ask for clarification as needed.

Our Questions (slide 7)

  • Team should develop/curate 5 questions to ask the client about the project.
  • Number the questions to make referencing easier.

Client's Questions

  • A time for the Client mentor(s) to ask the Engineering Team any questions.
  • NO need to change this slide

Next Meeting (last slide)

  • Propose two or more dates and time slots and schedule the next meeting.
    • These should be during on-site meeting time.
  • You can schedule Client meetings for the remaining semester. For details, consult with your PE.
  • Let your PE know the schedule so they can add to the meeting schedule on EDN.