


Day 2 Agenda

On Site Activities

Playbook (approx page 43): capstone-support-dev:export:playbook/Capstone Playbook.pptx

Resources for On-site Activities

Action Items / Meeting Prep

These tasks should be completed before next on-site meeting (Day 3)

Team Development / Design Process Refresher

Administrative Tasks

  • Fill out Client Meeting #1 PPT slides.
  • Post Team Skills Assessment to EDN Project Management forum thread
  • Follow instructions on Subversion page to download and install client, then checkout a copy of ONLY your project’s working folder from the Repository. Visit your PE’s office hours for assistance.
  • Complete the Online Safety Training in Percipio by Sep 20th

Project Technical Work

  • We invite you to bring project questions to next class.
  • Identify one Customer Need for your project and translate it into an Engineering Requirement.
    • Watch Forum Posting video (3 mins)
    • (first person to post) Create a SINGLE thread in EDN Design Forum titled "Initial Needs and Requirements”
    • (everyone else) Reply to post with your thoughts.
  • For ongoing projects, review prior semesters’ final presentations in accordance with PE instructions for discussion during Meeting 3 or 4
    • PPT should be in last semester's Repository or Final Deliverables Forum on EDN
    • (first person to post) Create a SINGLE thread in EDN Background Info Forum titled "Questions about project"
    • (everyone else) Reply to post with questions you have about project

full list of Capstone Daily Agendas

previous onboarding meeting- Day 1 Agenda

next project scoping meeting- Day 3 Agenda