


Day 3 Agenda

On Site Activities

Playbook (approx page 64): capstone-support-dev:export:playbook/Capstone Playbook.pptx

Resources for On-site Activities

Action Items / Meeting Prep

These tasks should be completed before next on-site meeting (Day 4)

Team Development / Design Process Refresher

Administrative Tasks

  • Choose client liaison.
    • This person will be the focal point for emails to/from your client. They are NOT the team's "spokesperson" at meetings, conference calls, on/off site meetings etc.
  • Watch Intro to EDN video (5 min) for a general understanding of system usage
  • Read Meeting Minutes Wiki page to learn how to take good meeting minutes
    • Post meeting minutes taken during PPT review to EDN Project Management Forum
  • Follow instructions on Subversion page to download and install client, then checkout a copy of ONLY your project’s working folder from the Repository. Visit your PE’s office hours for assistance.

Project Technical Work

  • Continue posting Needs and Requirements thoughts to Design Forum thread

Track Progression

Day 3
new projects - A, B, or D
continuing projects - C or E

Day 4
Day 3 A/C continue to A/C track on Day 4
Day 3 B/D/E continue to B/D track on Day 4

Your PE will alert team of which track to follow each day

full list of Capstone Daily Agendas

previous onboarding meeting- Day 2 Agenda

next project scoping meeting- Day 4 Agenda